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genie 로그인

genie 로그인 로그인

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  • 아티스트 LINION
  • 장르/스타일 R&B/소울 / POP
  • 발매사 포크라노스
  • 기획사 B.P. Lin Studio (嘿黑豹工作室)
  • 발매일 2023.07.19

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듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운
곡 리스트
선택 번호 곡정보 이동 링크 곡정보 듣기 추가 담기 다운 뮤비 더보기
1 Listen to Me LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
2 TITLE Black Panther LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
3 HIDE (藏) LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
4 Red Date LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
5 TITLE R U Ready LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
6 The Shadow LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
7 TITLE Friends Or ? (Feat. Pei-Yu Hung 洪佩瑜) LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
8 Goodbye LINION 듣기 재생목록에 추가 다운로드
듣기 재생목록에추가 다운

앨범 소개

No matter how big the world is, I just want a place to belong.
When you can’t put things into words, let this be your song.

·Reconcile with your past self. HIDEOUT is where you can safeguard your secrets.
·It is not a sin for men to be gentle and vulnerable. Through folk R&B, LINION makes all the hidden stories worth cherishing.

"That morning, the weather was beautiful. I was riding my bicycle on the way to the beach, listening to the songs from HIDEOUT.

I enjoy being in motion while being accompanied by my songs and vibing to them. The next thing I knew, tears started to well up unconsciously. I burst out crying and couldn't stop. At least I had my sunglasses on, so no one would notice.

I recalled my younger self, lacking confidence, thinking I needed to change to be liked, and believing things would get better as I grew up. But I was never satisfied, constantly forgetting to accept myself in the present moment. There was a period when I felt so down that even songwriting became painful. I was easily influenced by people around me, and in turn, I affected those around me.

That day, while listening to this new album, I suddenly realized that sometimes you don't necessarily need others to understand or comfort you. My songs had already released my vulnerabilities. It's okay to be imperfect. It's okay if there are things I can't put into words. I no longer mind being afraid or fearful. After singing them out, I felt relieved.

My thoughts came to an end, and my bicycle reached the seaside. I walked towards the spot closest to the sea and continued my walk alone."
—LINION (2023/06/29)

LINION initially set out to create an album about walking and dedicate it to the significant women in his life. As he delved, he unexpectedly entered the dark void of his heart, discovering the uneasiness behind his carefree demeanor and the brokenness he had never reconciled with. Far away from the city, during a snorkeling getaway on Orchid Island, where he encountered a passing sea snake, LINION embraced the thrilling cleanse of nature, washing away the barriers in his heart. Inspired and overflowing with creativity, he decided to openly confront and embrace his sensitive and vulnerable side as a man and transform them into captivating music for his new work.

From the reserved and melancholic blue hues of 2018's debut album Me in Dat Blue to the spirited and carefree journeys of 2020's sophomore Leisurely, the third album HIDEOUT encapsulates LINION's journey of seeking inner peace over the past three years. Through the album, he wants to narrate these stories with the rhythmic pace of walking. Opening the album with "Listen to Me," the listeners' auditory senses are engaged and continue until the gentle farewell of the final track, "Goodbye." The music flows leisurely, and the vocals are smooth and warm. It is not a venting of grievances but a casual face-to-face conversation with listeners by the dimming coastline during sunset or on a bench at a street corner in the city. LINION uses music to create a space that aims to be a hideout and a healing house, accompanying listeners quietly through their confusion and sorrows.

HIDEOUT also takes listeners into LINION's secret realm for a heart-tugging visit. From a candid and vulnerable perspective, LINION reflects on various relationships around him. When it comes to love, it is both an intimate companionship and a perplexing puzzle (tracks: "The Shadow" and "Friends or?"). Regarding the body, he grapples with weight anxieties stemming from adolescence (tracks: "Black Panther" and "R U Ready"). On family, he realized that male bravado is ultimately just immense vulnerability (track: "HIDE").

LINION's lyrics and music have always warmly embraced the audience. The underlying tone of HIDEOUT still embodies the spontaneity of a 26-year-old young man, but now with an increasing sense of self-reflection and maturity. At times, his vulnerability is heart-wrenching, while at other times, he exudes pure playfulness. He confronts himself, allowing the hidden aspects to no longer hide and the deep secrets to be worthy of being cherished. Perhaps, within this album, the innermost secrets of listeners can find solace too.

For the music production, LINION collaborated again with sought-after producer Wei-Yu Chung, who also worked on Leisurely, which won the 12th Golden Indie Music Awards for Best R&B Album. LINION also invited Best New Artist winner Pei-Yu Hung to collaborate on the love song "Friends or?." Other talented musicians involved in the arrangement and recording include Golden Melody Awards nominees Howe, Everydaze, L8ching, AC, and US-based drummer Bianca Richardson. Their contributions round out the eight solid new tracks in HIDEOUT.


(총 0개)

* 댓글 운영 정책

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▶ 댓글 운영 원칙

지니에서는 아래와 같은 운영 원칙을 적용합니다.

1. 댓글 숨김
  타인에 의하여 5회이상 신고가 접수 된 댓글의 경우, 해당 게시글 접근을 임시적으로 차단하는 조치를 할 수 있습니다. 숨김 처리된 댓글의 작성자가 복원 신청을 할 경우 심의 결과에 따라 삭제 또는 복원 될 수 있습니다.

2. 댓글 삭제
  사용자들의 신고 또는 관리자에 의해 아래에 해당하는 내용이 포함 된 댓글이 발견 되었을시, 예고없이 삭제 조치를 하겠습니다.

  (1) 타인의 명예를 손상시키거나 불이익을 주는 행위
  (2) 음란물을 게재, 공개하거나 음란 사이트를 연결하는 행위
  (3) 욕설, 비속어 사용 및 특정대상을 비하하는 행위
  (4) 공공질서 및 미풍양속에 위반되는 내용의 정보, 문장, 도형 등을 타인에게 유포하는 행위
  (5) 상업적 광고 또는 사이트/홈피를 홍보하는 행위
  (6) 같은 내용의 글을 반복적으로 작성하는 행위
  (7) 지역 감정 및 정치적으로 민감한 내용으로 회원들간의 분란을 야기하는 행위
  (8) 기타 관련 법률 및 약관에 위배되는 글을 작성하는 행위

3. 이용 제한
  관리자에 의하여 3회 이상 삭제 당하였거나, 지속적으로 악의적인 댓글을 작성한 사용자는 댓글 작성 기능에 제한을 받습니다. 제한 기간은, 작성한 글의 내용과 상습적인지 판단하여 결정합니다.

4. 신고 제한
  타인이 작성한 댓글에 허위신고를 하는 사용자는 신고 횟수 제한과 같은 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.

5. 관련 문의
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